Value Added Tax An Act of Parliament to review and update the law relating to value added tax; to provide for the imposition of value added tax on supplies made in, or imported into Kenya, and for connected purposes No. 35 of 2013
Valuers An Act of Parliament to provide for the registration of valuers and for connected purposes CAP. 532
Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-professionals AN ACT of Parliament to make provision for the training, registration and licensing of veterinary surgeons and veterinary para-professionals; to provide for matters relating to animal health services and welfare, and for connected purposes No. 29 of 2011
Vetting of Judges and Magistrates An Act of Parliament to provide for the vetting of judges and magistrates pursuant to section 23 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution; to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board, and for connected purposes No. 2 of 2011
Vexatious Proceedings An Act of Parliament to prevent abuse of the process of the High Court and other courts by the institution of vexatious legal proceedings CAP. 41
Victim Protection AN ACT of Parliament to give effect to Article 50 (9) of the Constitution; to provide for protection of victims of crime and abuse of power, and to provide them with better information and support services to provide for reparation and compensation to victims; to provide special protection for vulnerable victims, and for connected purposes No. 17 of 2014
Waqf AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the establishment of the Waqf Commission; to provide for the administration of waqf property and for connected purposes No. 8 of 2022
Warehouse Receipt System AN ACT of Parliament to provide a legal framework for the development and regulation of a warehouse receipt system for agricultural commodities, the establishment of the Warehouse Receipt System Council and for connected purposes No. 8 of 2019
Weights and Measures An Act of Parliament to amend and consolidate the law relating to the use, manufacture and sale of weights and measures and to provide for the introduction of International System of Units (SI) and for connected purposes CAP. 513
Widows’ And Children’S Pensions An Act of Parliament to make provision for granting pensions to widows and children of deceased public officers; and for purposes incidental thereto and connected therewith CAP. 195
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions An Act of Parliament to make provision for granting pensions to widows and children of deceased European public officers CAP. 192
Wildlife Conservation and Management An Act of Parliament to provide for the protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of wildlife in Kenya and for connected purposes No. 47 of 2013
Witchcraft An Act of Parliament to consolidate and amend the Law relating to witchcraft CAP. 67
Witness Protection An Act of Parliament to provide for the protection of witnesses in criminal cases and other proceedings to establish a Witness Protection Agency and provide for its powers, functions, management and administration, and for connected purposes No. 16 of 2006
Witness Summonses (Reciprocal Enforcement) An Act of Parliament to provide for the enforcement of witness summonses issued by courts of certain countries and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith CAP. 78
Work Injury Benefits An Act of Parliament to provide for compensation to employees for work related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of their employment and for connected purposes No. 13 of 2007