Retirement Benefits An Act of Parliament to establish a Retirement Benefits Authority for the regulation, supervision and promotion of retirement benefits schemes, the development of the retirement benefits sector and for connected purposes No. 3 of 1997
Retirement Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the granting of pension and other retirement benefits to persons who hold the office of the Deputy President and persons who have served as Prime Minister, Vice-President, Speaker, Deputy Chief Justice or Chief Justice after the 1st January, 1993, and for connected purposes No. 8 of 2015
Revision of the Laws An Act of Parliament to make provision for the contents of, and for revisions of, the Laws of Kenya and for matters connected therewith CAP. 1
Road Maintenance Levy Fund An Act of Parliament to provide for the imposition of a road maintenance levy on petroleum fuels and for the establishment and administration of a Road Maintenance Levy Fund and for connected purposes No. 9 of 1993
Sacco Societies AN ACT of Parliament to make provision for the licensing, regulation, supervision and promotion of Sacco societies, to establish the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority and for connected purposes No. 14 of 2008
Salaries and Remuneration Commission An Act of Parliament to make further provision as to the functions and powers of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, the qualifications and procedures for the appointment of the chairperson and members of the Commission, and for connected purposes No. 10 of 2011
Sale of Goods An Act of Parliament to regulate the sale of goods CAP. 31
Science, Technology and Innovation An Act of Parliament to facilitate the promotion, co-ordination and regulation of the progress of science, technology and innovation of the country; to assign priority to the development of science, technology and innovation; to entrench science, technology and innovation into the national production system and for connected purposes No. 28 of 2013
Scrap Metal AN ACT of Parliament to make provision for the regulation of dealings in scrap metal, to provide for the establishment of a Scrap Metal Council and for connected purposes No. 1 of 2015
Second-hand Motor Vehicles Purchase Tax An Act of Parliament to provide for the imposition of a tax on the purchase of certain second-hand motor vehicles and second-hand trailers CAP. 484
Sectional Properties AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the division of buildings into units to be owned by individual proprietors and common property to be owned by proprietors of the units as tenants in common and to provide for the use and management of the units and common property and for connected purposes No. 21 of 2020
Seeds and Plant Varieties An Act of Parliament to confer power to regulate transactions in seeds, including provision for the testing and certification of seeds; for the establishment of an index of names of plant varieties; to empower the imposition of restriction on the introduction of new varieties; to control the importation of seeds; to authorize measures to prevent injurious cross-pollination; to provide for the grant of proprietary rights to persons breeding or discovering and developing new varieties; to establish a centre for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, including indigenous seeds and plant varieties; to establish a Tribunal to hear appeals and other proceedings; and for connected purposes CAP. 326
Sexual Offences An Act of Parliament to make provision about sexual offences, their definition, prevention and the protection of all persons from harm from unlawful sexual acts, and for connected purposes No. 3 of 2006
Small Claims Court AN ACT of Parliament to establish Small Claims Court; to provide for the jurisdiction and procedures of the Court and for connected purposes No. 2 of 2016
Social Assistance An Act of Parliament to give effect to Article 43(1)(e) of the Constitution; to establish the National Social Assistance Authority; to provide for the rendering of social assistance to persons in need and for connected purposes No. 24 of 2013
Societies An Act of Parliament to make provision for the registration and control of societies and to repeal the societies act CAP. 108
Special Economic Zones AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the establishment of special economic zones; the promotion and facilitation of global and local investors; the development and management of enabling environment for such investments, and for connected purposes. No. 16 of 2015
Specific Loan (Commonwealth Development Corporation) An Act to make provision for borrowing the sum of two million pounds from the Commonwealth Development Corporation and for the appropriation, application and repayment thereof CAP. 440
Sports An Act of Parliament to harness sports for development, encourage and promote drug-free sports and recreation; to provide for the establishment of sports institutions, facilities, administration and management of sports in the country, and for connected purposes No. 25 of 2013
Stamp Duty An Act of Parliament to make provision for the levying and management of stamp duties; and for purposes connected therewith and incidental thereto CAP. 480
Standards An Act of Parliament to promote the standardisation of the specification of commodities, and to provide for the standardisation of commodities and codes of practice; to establish a Kenya Bureau of Standards, to define its functions and provide for its management and control; and for matters incidental to, and connected with, the foregoing CAP. 496
Statistics An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics for the collection, compilation, analysis, publication and dissemination of statistical information, and the co-ordination of the national statistical system, and for connected purposes No. 4 of 2006
Statutory Instruments An Act of Parliament to provide for the making, scrutiny, publication and operation of statutory instruments and for matters connected therewith No. 23 of 2013
St. John Ambulance of Kenya An Act of Parliament to incorporate the St. John Ambulance of Kenya and to provide for matters incidental thereto CAP. 259
Stock and Produce Theft An Act of Parliament to provide for the recovery of fines imposed for the theft of stock or produce and to make persons liable to account for the possession of stock or produce in certain cases CAP. 355
Streets Adoption An Act of Parliament to regulate the construction and improvement of streets in certain local authority areas; to provide for the adoption by certain local authorities of streets of a satisfactory standard; and to provide for matters connected with the foregoing and incidental thereto CAP. 406
Supplies Practitioners Management An Act of Parliament to make provision for the training, registration and licensing of supplies practitioners; to regulate their practice and for connected purposes No. 17 of 2007
Supreme Court An Act of Parliament to make further provision with respect to the operation of the Supreme Court pursuant to Article 163(9) of the Constitution, and for connected purposes No. 7 of 2011
Survey An Act of Parliament to make provision in relation to surveys and geographical names and the licensing of land surveyors, and for connected purposes CAP. 299
Sustainable Waste Management AN ACT of Parliament to establish the legal and institutional framework for the sustainable management of waste; ensure the realisation of the constitutional provision on the right to a clean and healthy environment and for connected purposes No. 31 of 2022