Tana And Athi Rivers Development Authority An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of an authority to advise on the institution and co-ordination of development projects in the area of the Tana River and Athi River Basins; and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto CAP. 443
Tax Appeals Tribunal An Act of Parliament to make provision for the establishment of a Tribunal; for the management and administration of tax appeals, and for connected purposes No. 40 of 2013
Tax Procedures AN ACT of Parliament to harmonise and consolidate the procedural rules for the administration of tax laws in Kenya, and for connected purposes No. 29 of 2015
Tea AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the regulation, development and promotion of the tea industry, and for connected purposes No. 23 of 2020
Teachers Service Commission An Act of Parliament to make further provision for the Teachers Service Commission established under Article 237 of the Constitution, its composition; functions and powers; the qualifications and procedure for appointment of members; and for connected purposes No. 20 of 2012
Technical and Vocational Education and Training An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of a technical and vocational education and training system; to provide for the governance and management of institutions offering technical and vocational education and training; to provide for coordinated assessment, examination and certification; to institute a mechanism for promoting access and equity in training; to assure standards, quality and relevance; and for connected purposes No. 29 of 2013
Telecommunications Tax An Act of Parliament to impose a tax on the provision of telecommunications apparatus and services, and for matters incidental thereto CAP. 473
Telegraphic Press Messages An Act of Parliament to confer temporary exclusive rights in respect of telegraphic press messages CAP. 512
Tobacco Control An Act of Parliament to control the production, manufacture, sale, labelling, advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products, to provide for the Tobacco Control Board, to regulate smoking in specified areas and for connected purposes No. 4 of 2007
Trade Descriptions An Act of Parliament to prohibit misdescriptions of goods, services, accommodation and facilities provided in the course of trade; to prohibit false or misleading indications as to the price of goods; to confer powers to require information or instructions relating to goods to be marked on or to accompany the goods or to be included in advertisements; and for purposes incidental to and connected with the foregoing CAP. 505
Trade Marks An Act of Parliament relating to the registration of trade marks CAP. 506
Trading in Prohibited Goods An Act of Parliament to make provision for the control of trading in goods the importation of which is prohibited or subject to licence and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith CAP. 519
Traffic An Act of Parliament to consolidate the law relating to traffic on the roads CAP. 403
Transfer of Businesses An Act of Parliament to prevent certain fraudulent transfers of businesses CAP. 500
Transfer of Prisoners AN ACT of Parliament to facilitate the implementation of arrangements made for the transfer of persons serving sentence of imprisonment for criminal offences committed in Kenya or in countries outside Kenya, pursuant to subsisting agreement No. 22 of 2015
Transition County Allocation of Revenue An Act of Parliament to provide for allocations for wages and administration costs for the county executive and county assemblies for the period March to June, 2013 and the responsibilities of national and county governments in relation thereto and for connected purposes NO. 6 OF 2013
Transition to Devolved Government An Act of Parliament to provide a framework for the transition to devolved government pursuant to section 15 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, and for connected purposes No. 1 of 2012
Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community An Act of Parliament for giving effect to certain provisions of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community and for connected purposes No. 2 of 2000
Treaty Making and Ratification An Act of Parliament to give effect to the provisions of Article 2(6) of the Constitution and to provide the procedure for the making and ratification of treaties and connected purposes No. 45 of 2012
Trespass An Act of Parliament to make provision with regard to trespass on land CAP. 294
Trustee An Act of Parliament relating to trustees CAP. 167
Trustees (Perpetual Succession) An Act of Parliament to provide for the incorporation of certain trustees for the purpose of perpetual succession to property and for purposes connected therewith CAP. 164
Trusts of Land An Act of Parliament relating to trusts of land CAP. 290
Truth, Justice and Reconciliation An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment powers and functions of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, and for connected purposes No. 6 of 2008
Unclaimed Financial Assets An Act of Parliament to provide for the reporting and dealing with unclaimed financial assets; to establish the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority and the Unclaimed Financial Assets Trust Fund and for connected purposes No. 40 of 2011
Universities An Act of Parliament to provide for the development of university education; the establishment, accreditation and governance of universities; the establishment of the Commission for University Education, the Universities Funding Board and the Kenya University and Colleges Central Placement Service Board; the repeal of certain laws, and for connected purposes No. 42 of 2012
Uplands Bacon Factory An Act of Parliament to provide for the constitution of the Uplands Bacon Factory (Kenya) Limited CAP. 362
Urban Areas And Cities An Act of Parliament to give effect to Article 184 of the Constitution; to provide for the, classification, governance and management of urban areas and cities; to provide for the criteria of establishing urban areas, to provide for the principle of governance and participation of residents and for connected purposes No. 13 of 2011
Use of Poisonous Substances An Act of Parliament to provide for the protection of persons against risks of poisoning by certain substances, and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith CAP. 247
Valuation For Rating An Act of Parliament to empower local government authorities to value land for the purpose of rates; and for purposes incidental to or connected therewith CAP. 266